The next unit we will look at is the Adfaburg Duntroon Military Academy.
NAME: Adfaburg Duntroon Military Academy, (ADMA)
Date Raised: 13 Jan 1709
MOTTO: "Knowledge Dispels Fear "
Unofficial Motto: "We know Better"
Nicknames: "The Silver Tails", "The Little Caesars" "Treasure's Assasins"
Battle Honours: "Defence Of Adfaburg, 1715", "The Hostile Wars"
Brief History:
Soon after the arrival of the Mormoans in New Wales, they realized that the defence of the colony could not be left in the hands of the Militia. A Parliamentary decree called for the establishment of "A school where the a comprehensive education inclusive of the military Art and associated sciences could be taught". The officer candidates, (called "Staff Cadets" or simply "Cadets" if in their first year) were to be between the ages of 15 and 21 upon entry into the Academy. Prerequisites for entry were "Candidates for the Academy Duntroon must be fit, good horsemen, and of exceptional character".
The Staff Cadets formed four Classes. The senior or 1st Class Staff Cadets formed what was known as "Legion HQ" or "Corp HQ" and held command appointments over the remainder of the "Corp Of Staff Cadets". 2nd Class formed "The Wallaby Troop", (a small half battery of 6 Pounders) and a Light Dragoon Squadron called "McKenzies Squadron". 3rd Class Staff Cadets formed the Light Infantry, and the "Fourthies" formed the Company of Foot, and were called "Cadets". The First Commandant of ADMA was a particularly brutal fellow by the name of LtCol Douglas Treasure. When ADMA was "called out" to defend Adfaburg in 1715 from an attack from a combined force consisting of a mercenary New Southland Battalion in French pay and hostile natives of the Jindabyn tribe, it is said LtCol Treasure was shot in the back by his own Staff Cadets. The fact he was shot as he address the Corp Of Staff Cadets on the Academy parade ground prior to marching out to confront the enemy seems to have gone un-noticed. By all accounts no-one seemed to care.
Academy anecdotes and traditions:
Whenever the Corps Of Staff Cadets (often refered to as "The Legion"), is call out to campaign, they must remove the flints from their firearms prior to the Commandant's address. Flints are only returned after they depart the Academy grounds.
On the 13th of January every year the Corp Of Staff Cadets have a new intake. On that day the Staff Cadets of Legion HQ take the newly arrived "Fourthies" on a brutal forced march. This is called "Fouthies Day". Any Staff Cadet that falls out, (either 1st class or 4th class), is immediatly dismissed from the Academy. Approximately 10% of the 4th class fall out and are sent home. A 1st Class cadet has never failed the march.
Every year on 25 April all the Staff Cadets gather at LtCol Douglas Treasure's grave on Mount Unpleasant and toast the "Academy Duntroon and the Corp Of Staff Cadets"! (and get rolling drunk). It's the only day of the year where the Staff Cadets may drink. "Fourthies" are not permitted to attend.
NOTE: Female Officer Cadets (for The King's Maiden Guard), are trained by selected 1st Class Staff Cadets and Lecturers at the "Point Cooke Lady's Officer Academy". Lessons include, (to name but a few), Bayonet Fighting, the Principles of Artillery Fire, Military History and Needle Craft.
According to the Monte-Cristan IS, the family names Blackadder and Flashman appear in the Academy archives.
ReplyDeleteCorrect! Flashman was LSM (Legion Sergeant Major) at ADMA. A much coverted position within the Staff Cadets own Rank Structure. Most LSMs go onto great things.