NAME: 3rd Regiment Of Foot "The Queen Mother's Regiment"
Date Raised: 1 September 1701
MOTTO: "In Arduis Fidelis" (Faithful in adversity /hardships)
Unofficial Motto: None.
Nicknames:"Old Faithful"
Battle Honours: "Beaver Ridge", "The Hostile Wars" , "Port Philip 1728", "Cadbury Hill 1733", "Fort Clairmont", "Van Demon's Land Campaign" and "Vinegar Hill1738" .
Brief History: One of the first regiments to be raised by the Mormoan's, the bulk of the Regiment's recruits came from English and Welsh colonists, (many of who were miners). The Regiment was held in reserve at Beaver Ridge, and saw action for the first time during the "Hostile Wars". Fame came during the Van Demon's Land campaign in 1735, when as the Garrison at Fort Clairmont they held out for 35 days against an enemy consisting of 2000 hostile natives and a two battalions of the "French Pacific Island Company" (FPIC). The Regiment being relieved by a flying column under the command of Grand Duke Colin. The Regiment had sustained almost 50% casualties before the relief column arrived.
Regimental anecdotes and traditions:
Only 6 months prior to the Regiment taking up their duty as garrison at Fort Claimont the Regiment was presented with a new King's Colour (see note below), by Queen Janet.
When called upon to surrender by Colonel Paul De Grasser, (the commander of the FPIC Brigade), ensign O'Driscoll, the bearer of the King's Colour replied, "If you want my Queen's Colour, came and get it ye B#@*ARDS"!
Now, to this day the Regiment's "King's Colour" is called "The Queen's Colour", regardless if the Monarch is a King or Queen.
Queen Janet took the title "Queen Mother" on 13 November 1745, upon the assent to the throne, of her son Phillip. Consequently the Regiment took the name "Queen Mother's Regiment" on that date. Prior to that they had been known as "The Queen's Regiment" (in fact, since 1736).
NOTE: All Royal Mormoan Regiments have a "King's" and "Regimental" Colour. Young Ensign O'Driscoll in his excitement had mistakenly referred to the King's colour as "My Queen's Colour", (probably because the Queen had presented it on behalf of the King). Ensign O'Driscoll, (though wounded quite badly), survived the siege and later went on to become Colonel of The Regiment.
I am very much enjoying your regimental anecdotes as well as your histiories.
ReplyDeleteI'm also pleased to see some red 'hat lace'. Certainly a number of units had such during the WSS (and a very few later), but it is not commonly seen.
If you are interested in joining the "Emperor vs Elector" group blog, email me at . . . . . . and I'll see that you get an invitation.
-- Jeff
All your 'regimental histories and anecdotes' are excellent -original, different and perfectly credible, and of the calibre of the 'best' historical ones always quoted in the litterature.
ReplyDeleteMaybe coincidental, but red was traditionally the Queen's color in France.
In such an 'exotic' setting rich in 'unconventional' (by contemporary Western Europe standards) situations and threats, you may wish to occasionally experiment *in skirmish games* with equally unconventional weapons such as amusettes, grenade-launching blunderbusses, even if some colonists are daring enough Greek Fire siphons...
Jean-Louis / Jeff
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouraging comments and suggestions. The introduction of "Native Auxiliaries" are on the cards. The Mormoan's did bring many "Native Americans" from the "Not as New World" with them, and they have managed to get many of the New Wales natives "on-side". Trading parties have also visited the local islands,..
In time Camels will be obtained for inland expeditions.
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