Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 18, 2008
4th Regiment Of Foot "Grand Duke Michael's Regiment"
NAME: 4th Regiment Of Foot "Grand Duke Michael's Regiment"
Date Raised: 1 September 1701
MOTTO: "Faugh a Ballagh" (Irish: "Clear The Way")
Unofficial Motto: "Don't Run; You'll Just Die Tired".
Nicknames:"Old King Mick's Men", "Friends of the 3rd" and "Punchies"
Battle Honours: "The Hostile Wars", "Port Philip 1728", "Cadbury Hill 1733", "Relief of Fort Clairmont", "Launceston 1734", "Van Demon's Land Campaign" and "Vinegar Hill1738".
Brief History: Most recruits for the 4th came from the Irish and Welsh colonists. It was the Grenadiers of the 4th that provided the "Escort" for Michael Clements when he strode into Parliament on 1 April 1725 and declared "In the name of God Almighty, the Army and the People of the Mormoan Republic, I here and now dissolve this Parliament, and claim the position of 1st Consul of a new Peoples Directorate"!
Only a handful of the Old Parliamentarians resisted, but these were quickly subdued by the Grenadiers of the 4th. The Coup is often referred to as "The Grenadier's Revolution".
The 4th played a major role in the relief of Fort Clairmont, for it was them that routed the "Guard Francis". The Colonel of the Regiment at the time was Trevor Clements, (Michael's nephew), and son of the Grand Duke Colin. Col Clements was invited by the Colonel of the Guard Francis to "Have first fire". The Colonel of the 4th replied, "No mon amis, you are our guests, we insists that you fire first". The Guard Francis' volley inflicted few casualties. The 4th then advanced another 50 paces, and as they prepared to fire Colonel Trevor Clements called out to the Guard Francis, "Please don't run, you'll only die tired"! He then gave the order to fire. The 4th's volley was devastating, dropping every fourth Guardsman in the French regiment! Crying "Faugh a Ballagh" or "Clear The Way", the 4th then charged and routed their enemies.
Regimental anecdotes and traditions:
The RSM of the 4th (Sergeant Major Russell Crows) introduced boxing, (Michael Clements' favorite sport) as part of the Regiment's training program. Consequently they have the nickname "Punchies". The Regiment has a fearsome reputation as "Brawlers" throughout the army, and are rarely garrisoned with other regiments other than the 3rd, whom they have had a close affinity with ever since the relief of Fort Clairmont, (for obvious reasons).
Unlike other regiments, the 4th Regiment of Foot is never used for guard duty at the King's Parliament.
Monday, December 15, 2008
What's Next?
I'll also add a few extra links.
3rd Regiment Of Foot "The Queen Mother's Regiment"
NAME: 3rd Regiment Of Foot "The Queen Mother's Regiment"
Date Raised: 1 September 1701
MOTTO: "In Arduis Fidelis" (Faithful in adversity /hardships)
Unofficial Motto: None.
Nicknames:"Old Faithful"
Battle Honours: "Beaver Ridge", "The Hostile Wars" , "Port Philip 1728", "Cadbury Hill 1733", "Fort Clairmont", "Van Demon's Land Campaign" and "Vinegar Hill1738" .
Brief History: One of the first regiments to be raised by the Mormoan's, the bulk of the Regiment's recruits came from English and Welsh colonists, (many of who were miners). The Regiment was held in reserve at Beaver Ridge, and saw action for the first time during the "Hostile Wars". Fame came during the Van Demon's Land campaign in 1735, when as the Garrison at Fort Clairmont they held out for 35 days against an enemy consisting of 2000 hostile natives and a two battalions of the "French Pacific Island Company" (FPIC). The Regiment being relieved by a flying column under the command of Grand Duke Colin. The Regiment had sustained almost 50% casualties before the relief column arrived.
Regimental anecdotes and traditions:
Only 6 months prior to the Regiment taking up their duty as garrison at Fort Claimont the Regiment was presented with a new King's Colour (see note below), by Queen Janet.
When called upon to surrender by Colonel Paul De Grasser, (the commander of the FPIC Brigade), ensign O'Driscoll, the bearer of the King's Colour replied, "If you want my Queen's Colour, came and get it ye B#@*ARDS"!
Now, to this day the Regiment's "King's Colour" is called "The Queen's Colour", regardless if the Monarch is a King or Queen.
Queen Janet took the title "Queen Mother" on 13 November 1745, upon the assent to the throne, of her son Phillip. Consequently the Regiment took the name "Queen Mother's Regiment" on that date. Prior to that they had been known as "The Queen's Regiment" (in fact, since 1736).
NOTE: All Royal Mormoan Regiments have a "King's" and "Regimental" Colour. Young Ensign O'Driscoll in his excitement had mistakenly referred to the King's colour as "My Queen's Colour", (probably because the Queen had presented it on behalf of the King). Ensign O'Driscoll, (though wounded quite badly), survived the siege and later went on to become Colonel of The Regiment.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
MORMOAN CAVALRY: 1st Regiment; The Royal Dragoons
In this installment, we will look at the 1st Regiment; The Royal Dragoons“Princess Amanda’s Dragoons”
NAME: 1st Regiment,The Royal Dragoons, "Princess Amanda’s Dragoons”
Date Raised: 1 September 1701
MOTTO: "Culpam poena permit comes " (Punishment Follows Swiftly Your Crime)
Unofficial Motto: "We Shall Punish"
Nicknames:"The FONOs" (Friends Of No One), "Mighty Oaks"
Battle Honours: "Beaver Ridge", "The Hostile Wars" and "Port Philip 1728".
Brief History:
The first cavalry regiment to be raised by the Mormoans, the recruits were drawn initially from the Colony's Constabulary. As a result they proved to be singularly unpopular amongst the other Regiments and units of the Army, (Only ADMA proving to be more unpopular). First saw action at Beaver Ridge, where they inflicted heavy casualties on the French Colonists.
Regimental anecdotes and traditions: The Regiment's Honorary Colonel is Princess Amanda, the King's eldest daughter. The Princess, (who is also patron of the Kingdom's Police Force) adopted the Regiment as her own after they provided the escort for her first tour of the Kingdom as Princess in 1746, aged 16.
During the Battle of Beaver Ridge the General Officer Commanding the Army, General (later to be King Michael), Clements ordered the Regiment forward, saying to the Regiment's Colonel, "Are these trespassers to be held to no account? Have at them 1st Regiment"! The Regiment charged forward crying "Punish them"!
After the battle the Regiment camped near a large oak tree. To this day on the anniversary of the Battle Of Beaver Ridge the Regiment places oak leaves in their hats.
NOTE: The oak tree in question was quite significant, as oak trees are not native to New Wales. The Regiment gathered around the tree on the insistence of the Regimental Padre after the battle to pray and thank God for their victory. After the service the Regiment basically collapsed their from exhaustion and slept.
7th Regiment Of Foot "Von Manstien's"
NAME: 7th Regiment Of Foot "Von Manstien's"
Date Raised: 1 September 1701
Unofficial Motto: "Cold Steel Will Triumph"
Nicknames: "Drill Pigs", "The Sour Kruats", "Unlucky 7th"
Battle Honours: "Beaver Ridge", "The Hostile Wars" "Port Philip 1728", "Cadbury Hill 1733"
Brief History:When it was decided that the formation of a standing army was required, it fell to an ex-Prussian Major by the name of Franz Josef Von Manstien to organize, train and raise the the units. He started by raising one unit, and from that he would produce the cadre that would train all other units. He recruited as many ex military men as he could find in the colony. Most were Prussians, Saxons, Hessians and Hanovarians. Many had been Drill Sergeant's in the German armies. Once the Army was formed the cadre returned to their parent unit. Initially they were numbered the 1st Foot Regiment, but when the "Royal" army was formed in 1729, they were renumbered the 7th. Von Manstien became the King's Inspector General of the Royal Army on 6 Dec 1728. He adopted the Regiment (with the King's blessing and insistence) on the 7th of December that same year. The 7th is one of only a few regiments that have Grenadiers, Musketeers, and Fusiliers.
Regimental anecdotes and traditions:
At the Battle of Port Phillip in 1725, the Regiment arrived on the left flank of the Franco-Spanish as they threaten to break the Mormoan line. Firing one ineffective volley the Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM), Robert Zillmann, grasped the Regimental Colour. Crying "Come lads, cold steal will triumph where hot lead failed"! he lead the Regiment in a charge that sent the French "Dillon" Regiment fleeing.
Ever since, in this Regiment the RSM, (not an Ensign) carries the Regimental Colour. This is unique to the 7th.
The Regiment earned the nickname "Unlucky 7th" when at the battle of Cadbury Hill in 1733, they suffered the heaviest casualties of all units engaged. They were accidentally fired upon by Bree's Battery whilst attempting to flank a mercenary Battalion from New Southland; their Grey uniforms looking not to dissimilar to those of the South Lander's.
Every year, on the anniversary of the Battle of Cadbury hill they have dinner with the Officers and Gunners of Bree's Battery in full battle dress, (including weapons).
This is the only time weapons are allowed in both units messes. The Gunner's leave their weapons in barracks.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Adfaburg Duntroon Military Academy
The next unit we will look at is the Adfaburg Duntroon Military Academy.
NAME: Adfaburg Duntroon Military Academy, (ADMA)
Date Raised: 13 Jan 1709
MOTTO: "Knowledge Dispels Fear "
Unofficial Motto: "We know Better"
Nicknames: "The Silver Tails", "The Little Caesars" "Treasure's Assasins"
Battle Honours: "Defence Of Adfaburg, 1715", "The Hostile Wars"
Brief History:
Soon after the arrival of the Mormoans in New Wales, they realized that the defence of the colony could not be left in the hands of the Militia. A Parliamentary decree called for the establishment of "A school where the a comprehensive education inclusive of the military Art and associated sciences could be taught". The officer candidates, (called "Staff Cadets" or simply "Cadets" if in their first year) were to be between the ages of 15 and 21 upon entry into the Academy. Prerequisites for entry were "Candidates for the Academy Duntroon must be fit, good horsemen, and of exceptional character".
The Staff Cadets formed four Classes. The senior or 1st Class Staff Cadets formed what was known as "Legion HQ" or "Corp HQ" and held command appointments over the remainder of the "Corp Of Staff Cadets". 2nd Class formed "The Wallaby Troop", (a small half battery of 6 Pounders) and a Light Dragoon Squadron called "McKenzies Squadron". 3rd Class Staff Cadets formed the Light Infantry, and the "Fourthies" formed the Company of Foot, and were called "Cadets". The First Commandant of ADMA was a particularly brutal fellow by the name of LtCol Douglas Treasure. When ADMA was "called out" to defend Adfaburg in 1715 from an attack from a combined force consisting of a mercenary New Southland Battalion in French pay and hostile natives of the Jindabyn tribe, it is said LtCol Treasure was shot in the back by his own Staff Cadets. The fact he was shot as he address the Corp Of Staff Cadets on the Academy parade ground prior to marching out to confront the enemy seems to have gone un-noticed. By all accounts no-one seemed to care.
Academy anecdotes and traditions:
Whenever the Corps Of Staff Cadets (often refered to as "The Legion"), is call out to campaign, they must remove the flints from their firearms prior to the Commandant's address. Flints are only returned after they depart the Academy grounds.
On the 13th of January every year the Corp Of Staff Cadets have a new intake. On that day the Staff Cadets of Legion HQ take the newly arrived "Fourthies" on a brutal forced march. This is called "Fouthies Day". Any Staff Cadet that falls out, (either 1st class or 4th class), is immediatly dismissed from the Academy. Approximately 10% of the 4th class fall out and are sent home. A 1st Class cadet has never failed the march.
Every year on 25 April all the Staff Cadets gather at LtCol Douglas Treasure's grave on Mount Unpleasant and toast the "Academy Duntroon and the Corp Of Staff Cadets"! (and get rolling drunk). It's the only day of the year where the Staff Cadets may drink. "Fourthies" are not permitted to attend.
NOTE: Female Officer Cadets (for The King's Maiden Guard), are trained by selected 1st Class Staff Cadets and Lecturers at the "Point Cooke Lady's Officer Academy". Lessons include, (to name but a few), Bayonet Fighting, the Principles of Artillery Fire, Military History and Needle Craft.
The King's Maiden Guard
NAME: The King's Maiden Guard
Date Raised: 29 July 1727
MOTTO: "None Shall Pass"
Unofficial Motto: "Only The King Shall Pass"
Nicknames: "The Van Demon Witches", "The King's Groundsheets"
Battle Honours: "Cadbury Hill 1733", "Van Demon Land 1733", "Launceston 1734".
Brief History:
In 1726 whilst conducting a review of the Guard, King Michael discovered that many of the veterans of the "Hostile Wars" within the Guard had taken on the extra responsibility of looking after the orphaned daughters of fallen comrades. Moved by this the King ordered the raising of a Regiment of Female "Household Troops" for "Ceremonial and Guard duties". The Regiment was also used as a military Police Force. Initially not intended as "Field" troops, the Regiment was thrust into action when acting as an escort for the King, when his convoy was attacked by natives whilst visiting the Grand Duchy Of Van Demon's Land in 1733, (the Battle of Cadbury Hill). The Regiment performed so well the King ordered that they be moved onto the "Field Army" ORBAT.
In 1730 the Regiment raised a Troop (half Battery), of two "6 Pounders" as Regimental Artillery. The Gunners were recruited from the Daughters of the more "wealthy" gentry of the Kingdom. Initially they were to be a purely "Ceremonial" Troop, (for firing Salutes for appropriate occasions), but were brought on to the Field Army ORBAT at the same time as the Guard. The Troop was named "Raechel's Troop", in honour of the King's then soon-to-be Daughter-In-Law, (and soon-to-be Queen Raechel).
Regimental anecdotes and traditions:
The first commanding officer of the Regiment was a man by the name of COL William Smith. He was the first killed at the Battle of Cadbury Hill, compelling the second in command, Major Elizabeth O'Farrell to take command of the Regiment. Taking up COL Smith's hat she rallied the Regiment with the cry, "Show your King that it takes only 400 women to do the work of 1000 men!" The Regiment drove off the enemy force of over 700 natives with the bayonet! After the battle The King decreed that "..from hence forth all future CO's of the Regiment would be women". As a tradition, on the 29th of July every year the CO dresses as a man, and wears the "Smith Hat", (complete with bloodstains and gapping hole).
NOTE: The Regiment wears black knee high cavalry boots on campaign.
On the left we have the "reversed colours" of a Drummer of the King's Maiden Guard.
Below is the Uniform of a Gunner of the Maiden Guard Battery, (Raechel's Battery)
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank and "plug" David Linienblatt and his "Not By Appointment" blog; without which I would be reduced to describing rather than showing you the Uniforms of The Holy Mormoan Kingdom.
The Royal Army Order Of Battle.
Friday, December 12, 2008
What is "The Holy Mormoan Kingdom Of New Wales"
Imagi-nations are fictional nations, (often set in the period 17C to early 19C).
Their purpose is often to be used for wargamer's campaigns, but it appears to me their main purpose seems to be to give an outlet for creativity! Allowing individuals to design political organisations and armies free from the historical constraints, and diving into such details as uniform design, Orders Of Battle, and the creation of constantly evolving purpose and direction for the development of the gamer's Armies in minature. To that end, allow me to introduce to you:
The Holy Mormoan Kingdom Of New Wales
As we all know, in 1620 the Mayflower arrived in the "New World" carrying the pilgrims, many of whom were escaping religious persecution. In their numbers was a young Welshmen by the name of John Smyth-Clements, and his wife Magaret.
Late one night in April 1650 John, (at the age of 52) had a vision of a Messenger Angel. The Angel told him of several "Plates" that had inscriptions on them and where they could be found. These "Plates", (7 large bronze discs), were apparently, "the word of god". The Angel, apparently called himself Mormoani, told John to take his family and the Plates to a "Great Southern Land" and build "Gods Kingdom on Earth".
John soon founded his own Church, (the Mormoans), and started preaching the "New Word". This was not well received in the "New World" colonies, and soon John and his followers were being shunned and soon openly persecuted. In 1658, gathering all of his family and some followers, (numbering about 900), John and his followers boarded several ships and headed off to their "promised land". They also took 180 "Mormoanized" Uehorn and Iracow natives with them. It's worth noting that the Mormoans believed the native Americans to be a long lost Israelite Tribe!
As news of the migration began, contingents of Protestant French and Irish, some Dutch, and large groups of Germans, (Hessians, Prussians, Saxons etc), joined them.These "New Mormoaners" linked up with the small "Mormoaner's Fleet" as it travelled down the east coast of North America, gathering more and more ships of all size. The voyage was remarkably uneventful, (a sure sigh of God's blessing). They now numbered in the vicinity of 3000 souls.
At this point however there was a temporary splitting of the pilgrims. John knew the rounding the tip of South America would be dangerous, and was advised in yet another vision of the Angel Mormoani to send part of his flock over land, where he could eventually land on the North America west coast and collect them. By doing this, if disaster was to befall one group, the other group could continue on God's chosen path.
Landing at is what is today known as Corpus Christi in Texas, about 400 of the original Mormoans, and 500 others then headed west, collecting as they went more native American "converts".
The remainder of the fleet continued south, stopping several times in central and south America, collecting Spanish and Portuguese "converts" as they travelled.
The two groups eventually reunited in December 1662.
Combined again, the fleet, (now numbering over 50 ships), departed from modern day San Diego heading for Neue Sudland. The "Holy Fleet" arrived on the Neue Sudland east coast 26 January, 1663. Over 5000 arrived, including almost 1000 native Americans! By years end an additional 5000 pilgrims arrived from all parts of the world.
By 1676 the "Mormoans" (as they had become known) had established a thriving colony in the East and declared themselves to be a "Free and Independent Holy Republic". They named their new home, NEW WALES.
Meanwhile, England occupied with problems at home and abroad in France and Ireland was either indifferent or unable to do anything about the breakaway colony. It was assumed they'd soon come crawling home, or perish.
However, the Mormoans had established a very good relationship with many of the local natives, and converted many of them to their form of Christianity. Drawing on the natives knowledge of the land, and their own skills as hunters, farmers and trappers, they went from strength to strength. They establish a Parliamentarian style government, with the highest official in the Mormoan Church as Govener General. They established an Army, based on the Prussian model, (thanks to the work of an ex-Prussian Army Major by the name of Mannstien). They also converted many of their ships to warships, and soon had a very competent, (if not small), Navy. They also established huge flocks of sheep. Eventually wool would become the primary source of income for the growing nation.
One of the cornerstones of the new religion was the concept of "Plural Marriage". Briefly, this was based on the concept that if man was to "go forth and multiply" (as God wished), he would need more than one wife to do so. Given a woman could only "multiply" once every nine months, to "fulfil Gods wishes" a man would need more than one wife. After all, he could "multiply" daily! This was also a convenient, (and some would argue), sensible practice for the struggling new colony. As many of the men folk were killed fighting the "hostiles" during the many stop overs during the "Great Pilgrimage" (as the duel voyage and trek had became known), the widow would be taken under the protection of one of the surviving men. Most men had two, three or even four wives before the colony was even established. Additionally, they would also take the "hostile" natives women as "wives" after killing their husbands and fathers after battles and "raids".
Consequently, the Mormoans soon found themselves in the midst of a population explosion. Most Mormoan men had 4 or 5 wives and up to 20 children! By 1700 they numbered between 18500 - 22000 men, woman and children, (lots of children)! The downside of course was the disdain towards them of other European colonies that were following in the wake of their movement.
In 1712 the Mormoans attacked a wagon train of French colonists that was approaching their area, (coming south out of the area known as the "Eastern Marches"). Fearful of Catholic influence and domination, the Mormoans and their Native Allies, (mainly the Kalcadoo and Jabaroo tribes) lashed out. The result was a total massacre of the French colonists (except for the women and girls), that became know throughout the World as the Beaver Ridge Bloodbath.
Consequently almost all the other European Colonist were becoming openly hostile towards the Mormoans. Only the English, (who were more than happy to see French wagon trains destroyed), offered any assistance to the Mormoans.
In 1725, a Mormoan "Elder" named Michael Clements seized sole power in a coup during a sitting of the Mormoan Parliament, and proclaimed himself "First Consul" in a military dominated Directorate. Michael was very charismatic and a hero of the "Hostile Wars of 1720-24". Given the poor state of affairs (the lack of trading opportunity and constant disunity within the Parliament), the general populace was happy to have him "take the lead". What's more, he had the backing of the very popular Navy, Army and Militia.
In 1728, after defeating a large Franco-Spanish Army at the Battle of Port Phillip, he was proclaimed King by a grateful nation.
Born: 6 Dec 1700. A descendant of John Smyth-Clements, (The House Of Clements).
Proclaimed KING: 5 Dec 1728.
1st Wife: Queen Janet of Dudley.
2nd Wife: Duchess Judith of Campbell, (known as the "Bloody Duchess")
Children: Princess Kim Margret, Prince Peter, Prince Phillip (wife 1) // Prince Matthew, Prince Simon, Princess Emma (wife 2).
In 1730 King Michael sent his Brother, Grand Duke Colin with 3000 subjects and 500 troops to establish a colony on a large Island south of the mainland callad Van Demon's Land. This became known as The Grand Duchy of Van Demon's Land.
In 1745 King Michael was compelled to abdicated due to "The Madness". (The King was very fond of the sport of boxing, and it was suggested he to a few to many "hits to the head"). Either way, he was happy to step aside. He retained the title Michael, Grand Duke and Father of New Wales
The Crown was to pass to Prince Peter, but he had taken a Dutch Catholic wife, so lost any chance of taking the Throne. An act of Parliament precluded anyone other than a Mormoan ruling. A catholic queen would not be tolerated.
The Crown now passed to Prince Phillip.
Our Story Begins:
Born: 29 July 1705. A descendant of John Smyth-Clements, (The House Of Clements).
Proclaimed KING: 13 Nov 1745.
1st Wife: Lady Juliet of Lakelands.
2nd Wife: Duchess Rachel of Raaf.
3rd Wife: Lady, (now Queen and elevated to Prima Wife), Queen Raechel of Harre-Edwards
Children: Princess Amanda, Princess Ashlie (wife1)/ Princess Hayley (wife2) // Princess Mathilda (Prima Wife).