ABOVE: The Battalion Colour of the 2nd Battalion of the VDL Legion.
It's been a while since I've posted to this BLOG, but here is my latest offering. I've painted both battalions of the Van Demon's Land Legion. Miniatures are from EUREKA MINIATURES 28mm "Age Of Reason" range, and Flags are from MAVERICK MODELS; based on my designs.
I can't recommend Maverick Models high enough. Excellent flags at an excellent price, AND Stuart will make flags based on YOUR designs back up with excellent service! What more could you want?
BELOW: 2nd Battalion as seen from behind

BELOW: 2nd Battalion from the front. The Flag on the right (as you see it) is the Battalion Flag, whilst the one on the left is the Standard of Princess Mathilda. It's customary in the Army of The Holy Mormoanick Kingdom Of New Wales for members of the Royal Family to allow units to take their Personal Standards into battle.

BELOW: The business end of the 1st Battalion of the VDL Legion! Here we see Drummer Kane and the Personal Standard of Princess Hayley. The VDL's two Battalions have the honour of carrying into battle the Personal Standards of two Princess's in the same battle. The Battle in question was the Battle of Orange Hill, (more on this later). The 1snt and 2nd Battalions of the VDL are sometimes called "The Sister's Legion"